Colour code: Some older capacitors use a form of colour code. This type of capacitor marking is used less these days but may be seen on some older capacitors. Tolerance codes: Some capacitors have a tolerance code. The code used is actually the same as that used with resistors as it utilises the EIA scheme. CAPACITOR CONVERSION CHART – uF / MFD nF pF / MMFD uF / MFD nF pF / MMFD 1000 uF / MFD 1000000 nF pF / MMFD 6.8 uF / MFD 6800 nF.
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In case of Color coded capacitors, capacitor body consists of color bands and by using a capacitor color code chart we can easily identify the capacitor value. The first color is considered as the 1 st digit in color chart, the second color band is 2 nd digit, the third band is a multiplier, the 4 th band is tolerance and the fifth color band. Tantalum Capacitor Color Codes; Charts Color Color 1st Figure 2nd Figure Multiplier Voltage; Black 0 1 10: Brown 1 1 10 Red 2 2 100 Orange 3 3 Parallel Capacitance Math: C T = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 Series Capacitance Math: 1/C T = 1/C 1 + 1/C 2 + 1/C 3: Yellow 4 4 6.3. Capacitor value table from 0.001uF to 220uF. Every value shown in microfarads, nanofarads, picofarads, European and EIA/MIL codes, and colour codes. Handy formulae for series and parallel capacitors, stored charge, and stored energy. Summary of common capacitor types and uses.
Printable Ceramic Capacitor Code Chart
101 | .0001uf = 100pf |
151 | .00015uf = 150pf |
221 | .00022uf = 220pf |
331 | .00033uf = 330pf |
471 | .00047uf = 470pf |
681 | .00068uf = 680pf |
102 | .001uf = 1000pf |
152 | .0015uf = 1500pf |
222 | .0022uf = 2200pf |
332 | .0033uf = 3300pf |
472 | .0047uf = 4700pf |
682 | .0068uf = 6800pf |
103 | .01uf |
153 | .015uf |
223 | .022uf |
333 | .033uf |
473 | .047uf |
683 | .068uf |
104 | .1uf |
154 | .15uf |
224 | .22uf |
334 | .33uf |
474 | .47uf |
684 | .68uf |
105 | 1.0uf |
225 | 2.2uf |
Having trouble determining the value of
that capacitor on your bench?
Here's a chart to help you out. The letter
after the marking often indicates the tolerance.
+/-5%(J), +/-10%(K), +/-20%(M)
Example: 101K would be 100pf, +/-10%
Capacitor Number Code Chart
When You Are Tired, Do You Get a Headache Converting Picofarads to Microfarads ?
| ||
4.7 mmf or pf | = | .0000047 mf |
47 mmf or pf | = | .000047 mf |
470 mmf or pf | = | .00047 mf |
4,700 mmf or pf | = | .0047 mf |
47,000 mmf or pf | = | .047 mf |
470,000 mmf or pf | = | .47 mf |