V.I.L.E. Operatives
The following are opratives that work for V.I.L.E.:
- Carmine — Carmine is Carmen Sandiego's pet cat who has been trained to chase and torment ACME Agents. After an incident involving a very large sack of kitty litter, she was left with the warped mind of a master criminal. Carmen Sandiego recruited her because she is so dedicated to her career. Carmine was featured in Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?, and Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
Carmen Sandiego Word Detective Brand: Broderbund. Price: $12.95 FREE Shipping Get free shipping Free 5-8 day shipping within the U.S. When you order $25.00.
Share - Carmen Sandiego Word Detective. Carmen Sandiego Word Detective. $4.00 + $2.80 Shipping. Games related to Carmen Sandiego Word Detective. Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego? (1993) Backyard, The (1993) Winnie the Pooh Preschool (1999) Putt-Putt and Fatty.
- Rick and Nick ICK — Rick and Nick ICK -- spelled with all caps in the manual-- originally entered their chosen profession as janitors having heard if they could 'clean up' they'd be rich. The brothers have been fired from every cleaning job they ever had- and for good reason!- so they joined V.I.L.E. and attempt to clean up the tracks left behind by Carmen Sandiego's hench-people. The ICK Brothers were featured in Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, and Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Justin Case — A high-priced lawyer who once stole a painting from one of Holland's greatest artists, Justin has black hair and blue eyes. His name is a pun on the phrase 'Just in case'. He was featured in the NES version of Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? and in the board game of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Contessa — As her noble name implies, Contessa considers herself to be high-class royalty. With her Italian name and a wardrobe consisting mostly of Milan fashions, Contessa is likely Italian herself. Contessa is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? game show. She was one of the original crooks from Season 1, went missing in Seasons 2 and 3 and returned in Season 4 with a new character design. Contessa also pilots a helicopter during some capers. Her motto is 'I may be a thief, but my taste is impeccable.'
- Double Trouble — Double Trouble don't have any first names and are simply called 'Double Trouble' to avoid confusion. They are mirror twins who are international playboys. Double Trouble's design has reference to the Yin and Yang principle: Black and White in perfect harmony. They move alike, talk alike and steal alike. They even stole the World Trade Center from New York City many years before the September 11th tragedy. They're featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? game show.
- Eartha Brute — Carmen Sandiego's super strong woman with a green Marge Simpson-style beehive. Eartha Brute wears a pink singlet uniform complete with weight belt that has the V.I.L.E. initials on the gold plate. One episode revealed that despite her brutish exterior, she loves romantic stories. She is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? game show. Her hobbies include chewing granite and house tossing.
- Kneemoi — Carmen Sandiego's interstellar extraterrestrial bandit from the planet Roddenberry that has a reputation on 93 planets as a space outlaw. Kneemoi is a pink ball of ectoplasm that can morph into any form she desires. Her name references a certain Star Trek actor, while that of her planet of origin alludes to the show's creator. She was added along with Wonder Rat in Season 2 of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?.
- Sarah Nade — Sarah Nade came from the computer game Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Deluxe Edition and was also added to Carmen Sandiego's gang during Season 3 of the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? game show. Sarah Nade is a children's piano teacher by day and punk rocker by night. According to the computer game file, she has a small scar on her left ear shaped like New Jersey, blonde hair and gray eyes. Sarah Nade's hair in the TV series has a rainbow of colors. Her name is a play on serenade.
- Patty Larceny — A typical teenager, Patty likes things that are fashionable and/or cute. It's stated that she's not really evil and is fact quite sweet, but she suffers from kleptomania. She was in the PBS gameshow Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? and the board game Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?. Her name is a play on 'petty larceny' which is a case of larceny where the value of the stolen goods is below a certain legally specified amount.
- Top Grunge — Top Grunge is Carmen Sandiego's big biker with a bad attitude and even worse hygiene habits. He rides on a badly-tuned motorcycle that spits out smoke wherever he goes. His eyes are always covered by large sunglasses. He is featured in the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? game show. His hobbies include dumpster diving and trash collecting.
- Vic the Slick — Vic the Slick is a shrewd salesman-type person with a seedy moustache, shifty eyes and slicked black hair. He wears loud polyester suits and an even louder tie. In one episode of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, Vic the Slick tried to impress Carmen Sandiego by giving her the Isla del Carmen which was located off Mexico. His motto is 'Bad taste is better than no taste at all'. He also is featured in the board game Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?.
- Wonder Rat — Wonder Rat, contrary to his name, is a supervillain, Carmen's personal caped criminal who considers himself 'The Rat of Steel'. He can't fly on his own, so he resorts to dangling from a bungee cord attached to 'the Rat-Copter' -a variant of Contessa's copter- on autopilot. Wonder Rat was added to Carmen Sandiego's V.I.L.E. Gang in Season 2 of the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? game show.
- Dazzle Annie — Dazzle Annie is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Like many of the early characters in the game, the likeness and name were based on a producer at Broderbund with a similar name.
- Fast Eddie B. — Fast Eddie B. is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Based on the likeness and name of Ed Bernstein, who was Broderbund's director of product development at the time.
- Ihor Ihorovich — Ihor Ihorovich is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Katherine Drib — Katherine Drib is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Lady Agatha — Lady Agatha is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Len Bulk — Len Bulk is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Merey LaRoc — Merey LaRoc is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Nick Brunch — Nick Brunch is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Scar Graynolt — Scar Graynolt is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Anita Bath — Anita Bath is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'I need a bath.'
- Art Schrival — Art Schrival is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'arch rival.'
- Auntie Matter — Auntie Matter is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'antimatter.'
- Barb Dwyer — Barb Dwyer is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'barbed wire.'
- Barry Koodah — Barry Koodah is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'barracuda.'
- Buzz 'Ted' Loose — Buzz 'Ted' Loose is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'busted loose.'
- Dee Pockets — Dee Pockets is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'deep pockets.'
- Dinah Myte — Dinah Myte is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'dynamite.'
- Don N. Hout — Don N. Hout is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'down and out.'
- Flo N. Eddy — Flo N. Eddy is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'Flo & Eddy.'
- Hal E. Tosis — Hal E. Tosis is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'halitosis.'
- Harry Bacque — Harry Bacque is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'hairy back.'
- Herb Aside — Herb Aside is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'herbicide.'
- Indy Slammer — Indy Slammer is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. The name is a play on 'In the slammer.'
- Ivanna Steele — Ivanna Steele is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'I wanna steal.'
- Jack Cheez — Jack Cheeze is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'jack cheese.'
- Jerri Riggs — Jerri Riggs is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'jury-rigged'
- Jonah Fark — Jonah Fark is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'Joan of Arc.'
- Kay Serrah-Serrah — Kay Serrah-Serrah is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a pun on 'Que Sera, Sera.'
- Ken U. Sparadigm — Ken U. Sparadrigm is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a pun on 'Can you spare a dime.'
- Leia D. Land — Leia D. Land is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'lay of the land.'
- Les Cash — Les Cash is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'less cash.'
- Lisa Carr — Lisa Carr is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 'Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?' video game. Her name is a play on 'lease a car.'
- Lou Pole — Lou Pole is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 'Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?' video game. His name is a play on 'loophole.'
- M.T. Pockets — M.T. Pockets is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'empty pockets.'
- 'Mac' R. Roni — Mac. R. Roni is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'macaroni.'
- May K. Deal — May K. Deal is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'make a deal.'
- Meg Maidey — Meg Maidey is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'make my day.'
- Mel Function — Mel Function is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'malfunction.'
- Miss Ann Stuf — Miss Ann Stuf is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'missing stuff.'
- Olive Yermunny — Olive Yermunny is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'all of your money.'
- Penny Pincher — Penny Pincher is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'penny-pincher.'
- Phil O. Dendron — Phil O. Dendron is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'philodendron.'
- Rob M. Blind — Rob M. Blind is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'rob them blind.'
- Ruth Less — Ruth Less is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'ruthless.'
- 'Shaky' Al LeBye — 'Shaky' Al LeBye is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'shaky alibi.'
- Skip N. Skule — Skip N. Skule is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'skipping school.'
- Stu L. Pidjin — Stu L. Pidgin is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'stool pigeon.'
- Tsu Mi — Tsu Mi is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'sue me', as well as being a significant name: 'tsumi', in Japanese, means 'crime'.
- Alexander Graham Edison — Alexander Graham Edison is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is an amalgam of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.
- B.B.D. O'Brien — B.B.D. O'Brien is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Benjamin Hana — Benjamin Hana is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Brenda and Cobina Vanderbilt — Brenda and Cobina Vanderbilt are female criminals who are featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Gypsy Rose Lasagne — Gypsy Rose Lasagne is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name may be a reference to Gypsy Rose Lee.
- Heidi Gosikh — Heidi Gosikh is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'hide and go seek.'
- Karl La Fong — Karl La Fong is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Ken Hartley Reed — Ken Hartley Reed is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'can hardly read.'
- Mylar Naugahyde — Mylar Naugahyde is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Both his first and last names refer to artificial substances.an
- Polly Esther Fabrique — Polly Esther Fabrique is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'polyester fabric.'
- Sheriff Paul Drive — Sheriff Paul Drive is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Sven Galli — Sven Galli is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'Svengali.'
- Titus Canby — Titus Canby is a criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'tight as can be.'
- Venus H. Pencil — Venus H. Pencil is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Wendy Pauper — Wendy Pauper is a female criminal who is featured in the Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Ann Arky — Ann Arky is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'anarchy.'
- Barney Cull — Barny Cull is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name a play on 'barnacle.'
- Beau Zoe — Beau Zoe is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'bozo.'
- Bee Smirch — Bee Smirch is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'besmirch.'
- Belle Igerant — Belle Igerant is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'belligerent.'
- Ben E. Ficiary — Ben E. Ficiary is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'beneficiary.'
- Billy Flop — Billy Flop is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'belly flop.'
- Bob Sled — Bob Sled is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'bobsled.'
- Boone Doggle — Boone Doggle is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game.
- Buzz Word — Buzz Word is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'buzzword.'
- Carrie Kature — Carrie Kature is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'caricature.'
Carmen Sandiego Word Detective : Broderbund Software : Free ...
- Cassie Nova — Cassie Nova is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'Casanova.'
- Charlie Horse — Charlie Horse is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'Charley Horse.'
- Clement See — Clement See is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'clemency.'
- Cliff Hanger — Cliff Hanger is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'cliffhanger.'
- Cora Spondant — Cora Spondant is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'correspondent.'
- Dan Gerous — Dan Gerous is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'dangerous.'
- Deb O'Nare — Deb O'Nare is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'debonair.'
- Dee Linquent — Dee Linquent is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'delinquent,'
- Diane Toshop — Diane Toshop is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'dying to shop.'
- Emma Welsher — Emma Welsher is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a pun on the phrase 'I'm a welsher.'
- Gil Tee — Gil Tee is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'guilty.'
- Hope Less — Hope Less is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'hopeless.'
- Ivana B. Rich — Ivana B. Rich is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'I wanna be rich.'
- Joy Ryder — Joy Ryder is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'joy rider.'
- Kat Astrophic — Kat Astrophic is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'catastrophic.'
- Kay Os — Kay Os is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'chaos.'
- Les Ismore — Les Ismore is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'less is more.'
- Lily Livered — Lily Livered is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'lily-livered.'
- Luke N. Ferloot — Luke N. Ferloot is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'lookin' for loot.'
- Mandy Lifeboats - Mandy Lifeboats is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'man the lifeboats.'
- Noah Clue — Noah Clue is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'no clue.'
Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective (1997) : Broderbund & The ...
- Paul Lution — Paul Lution is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'pollution.'
- Perry Syte — Perry Syte is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'parasite.'
- Rhonda Voo — Rhonda Voo is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'rendezvous.'
- Rob Burr — Rob Burr is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'robber.'
- Robyn Steele — Robyn Steele is a female criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. Her name is a play on 'rob and steal.'
- Tim Tation — Tim Tation is a criminal who is featured in the 1996 Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? video game. His name is a play on 'temptation.'
- Al Loy - Al Loy is a V.I.L.E. agent who's also hot-headed as Daryl Riska. He wanted to be a loner when it comes to crime, but he couldn't get along with Daryl Riska. Al Loy is a play on 'Alloy.'
- Archie Ology - Archie Ology is a V.I.L.E. agent and a good archaeologist. He likes to steal artifacts and other classics. Archie Ology is a play on 'Archaeology.'
- Buck N. Bronco - Buck N. Bronco is a V.I.L.E. agent. His name is a play on 'bucking bronco.'
- Clair E. Net & Cora Net - Clair E. Net & Cora Net are the sisters of evil for stealing talent and music. Cora Net plays the guitar while Clair E. Net sings opera. Clair E. Net & Cora Net are the plays of 'clarinet' and 'coronet.'
- Clay Tandoori - Clay Tandori is an Indian-American V.I.L.E. agent. He's steals anything that's in India like Taj Mahal and other things. Clay Tandoori is a play on 'Tandoori Clay.'
- Daryl Riska - Daryl Riska is a V.I.L.E. agent who always takes any risks and sometimes get hot-headed when he gets to a fight with Al Loy.
- Dee Tritus - Dee Tritus is a female V.I.L.E. agent. Her name is a play on 'detritus.'
- Four Chin Hunter - Four Chin Hunter is a big time evil treasure hunter of V.I.L.E. He's an expert of stealing gold when it comes to treasure hunting. Four Chin Hunter is a play on 'Fortune Hunter.'
- Frank M. Poster - Frank M. Poster is a big time master of disguise and Carmen's V.I.L.E. henchman. He can disguise himself as any person he wants to impersonate. Frank M. Poster is a play on 'The Great Impostor.'
- Hannah Lulu - Hannah Lulu is a V.I.L.E. agent and an expert when it comes to Hawaiian treasures and locations. Hannah Lulu is very superstitious and is afraid of almost everything including Hawaii's Nightmarchers. In one episode, Carmen Sandiego tried to make Hannah Lulu face her fears by stealing an object from the place where a Hawaiian queen died. Hannah Lulu is a play on 'Honolulu.'
- Judge R.B. Traitor - Judge R.B. Traitor is a criminal court judge who hunts crooks down and sentences them to a secret jail while stealing their loot. He appeared in 'The Trail of Carmen Sandiego' where he had Carmen Sandiego abducted from her caper in the Mayan Ruins and subpoenaed Zack and Ivy to his hidden courtroom in Italy using Lee Galese as bait. Once Zack and Ivy arrived, Judge R.B. Traitor dismissed Lee Galese and had them represent Carmen Sandiego when she was accused of stealing the Magna Carta. When it came to where the Magna Cartta is, it turned out that Judge R.B. Traitor was actually in cahoots with Carmen Sandiego and Archie Ology. R.B. Traitor is a play on 'arbitrator.'
- Lars Vegas - Lars Vegas is a big shot and V.I.L.E.'s greediest member. He always complains when he is trapped in a net because it messes up his hair. His greediness can always foil his plans. Lars Vegas is a play on 'Las Vegas.'
Carmen Sandiego Word Detective Online Game
- Lee Galese - Lee Galese is a V.I.L.E. agent who is Carmen Sandiego's lawyer. His name is a play on 'legalese.'
- Moe Skeeter - Moe Skeeter is a V.I.L.E. agent who's kinda like a bungling buffoon. His nose looks similar to one of the Batman villain Penguin and his name is a play on 'mosquito.'
- Rip Shipoff - Rip Shipoff is an aquatic pirate agent with his pet parrot.
- Touriest Classe - Touriest Classe is a V.I.L.E. agent and also an international con-man and a master art thief. He always wanted to scam people with other art. Touriest Classe is a play on 'Tourist Class.'
- Baron Grinnit — Baron Grinnit is an aviator who has devoted himself to a life of high flying crime. For years, he has 'used his million dollar smile to steal millions.' The Baron is Carmen Sandiego's ace in the hole. Baron Grinnit is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. 'Baron Grinnit' is a play on 'grin and bear it.'
- Baron Wasteland — Baron Wasteland is an archetypical moustached villain wearing a V-marked eyepatch. Baron Wasteland is as his name suggests a wealthy aristocrat who loves pollution and enjoys destroying the environment. His name is a play on 'barren wasteland' and he is supposedly from the Industrial Era. He was on the 'Time' game show for the first season (he was later replaced in the second season by Buggs Zapper) and hasn't appeared in any other Carmen Sandiego-based media.
Carmen Sandiego Word Detective Play Online
- Buggs Zapper — Buggs Zapper is a gangster with a fear of insects who wears a pinstriped suit and constantly carries around an old-fashioned bug sprayer. His goal in life is to 'rub out' the single fly that supposedly torments him endlessly. His time era is presumably the 1930s or so. He was introduced in the second season replacing Baron Wasteland. He was also featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. His name is a play on 'bug zapper.'
- Dee Cryption — Dee Cryption is a hacker with a microchip on her shoulder. Ever since she caught a nasty computer virus, she has been pursuing a program to take over the world's computer networks. However, Dee Cryption's fuzzy logic hasn't helped her reach her goal. Dee Cryption is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. 'Dee Cryption' is a play on 'decryption.'
- Dr. Belljar — A cyborg mad scientist, Dr. Belljar works as Carmen Sandiego's computerized scientist-in-residence and plans to rewrite history so as to record himself as the world's greatest scientist. His name apparently refers to 'bell jars.' He was featured on the game show and on Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
- General Mayham — After Mayham was thrown out the Boy Scouts for stealing merit badges, Mayhem formed his own militia and promoted himself to General. General Mayhem brags that he's the greatest military mind in history and wants to alter history to make that true. General Mayham is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. General Mayham is a play on 'general mayhem.'
- Jane Reaction — Jane Reaction was a 'well-behaved kid from a supportive nuclear family' until she had a 'personal meltdown'. She was once a chemistry wiz and respected scientist, but now she's an accident waiting to happen. Jane Reaction is one of Carmen's six Master Thieves featured in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge. She is also featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. 'Jane Reaction' is a play on 'chain reaction.'
- Jacqueline Hyde — Jacqueline Hyde is a teenage girl who has a split personality: one ('Jacqueline') being sweet and innocent with the other ('Hyde') being evil and insane. She repeatedly alternates between her personalities with each surfacing over the other for only a few seconds or so. As Jacqueline, she has a normal voice and seems soft-spoken, but as Hyde she yells loudly and has a 'modulated' voice. She is either red-haired, strawberry blonde or blonde (the show's graphics make it difficult to tell) and she wears a red blazer, a pink blouse, a red miniskirt and knee-length stockings, perhaps to suggest a traditional schoolgirl uniform. Her clothing may indicate she is from the early-to-mid 20th century. Her name is a play on 'Jekyll and Hyde'. She is featured on the 'Time' game show and on Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
- Medeva — Medeva is a witch from the Middle Ages who graduated from a witch's charm school centuries ago. Her powers seem to be extensive, since many of her victims say she's enchanting. Her name seems to be a combination of 'Medieval' and 'diva.' She was featured in the 'Time' game show and in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
- Sir Vile — Sir Vile is an obsequious Medieval knight who bends to every whim of 'Lady Carmen.' He is described as an evil knight in 'not-so-shining' armor who has been in a bad mood since the Middle Ages when he failed to corner the market on round tables. His name 'Sir Vile' implies more than just the fact that he is a knight recruited to work for V.I.L.E. for it is also a play on the term 'servile.' He has been featured on the 'Time' game show (where he is shown to have fire-breathing abilities) and on Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
- A. Leon Being — A. Leon Being is a very odd character with a pale, crescent shaped face, who often wears a tight bodysuit. He lives in a space station (presumably orbiting Earth), although in Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective, the station orbits Jupiter. His name is a play on 'alien being.'
- Ann Fibian — Ann Fibian is a pale, thin woman who resides in a sunken ship located in the Bermuda triangle. Her name is a play on 'amphibian.' She appears in Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective.
- Cal I. Fornya — Cal I. Fornya is a 'cool dude' who is the star of 'discount video' surf movies. His charm occasionally got him invited to the homes of the rich and famous, where he discovered another hobby, stealing. When he visited a King’s house, he tried to make off with the entire royal beach. Carmen Sandiego was very impressed, and invited him to join V.I.L.E. 'Cal I. Fornya' is a play on 'California.' Cal I. Fornya was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Carri Daway — Carri Daway has such a huge voice that when she made her Broadway debut, she shook the whole theater. Her large voice is used by V.I.L.E. to crack foundations. 'Carri Daway' is a play on 'carried away.' Carri Daway was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Cy Berpunk — When Cy Berpunk was 3 years old, he crawled into the monitor at his dad's computer repair shop. Ever since, he’s 'been wired.' When it comes to data, Cy Berpunk is a genius. He can even wire up a toaster to open the gold vault at Fort Knox. 'Cy Berpunk' is a play on 'cyberpunk.' Cy Berpunk was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Dr. Ima LeZaarde — Space alien or a haughty French scientist? You decide. Either way, she appears as both during the gameplay. She once won a prize for her research on extraterrestrial life, not surprising as she is actually an alien. 'Ima LeZaarde' is a play on 'I'm a lizard.' She also goes by Madame LeZaarde. Dr. LeZaarde is one of Carmen's six Master Thieves featured in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge. She is also featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Ella Vator — Ella Vator is so tall that in college she set a record for pole-vaulting, without using a pole. Ella Vator was apparently made a member of V.I.L.E. because nothing is out of her reach. She even tried to steal the North Star (morning arrived before she could swipe it). The Chief joked that she might be the daughter of Ella Fitzgerald and Darth Vader. 'Ella Vator' is a play on 'elevator.' Ella Vator was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Hardley Worthit — Hardley Worthit is a master at avoiding any kind of attention. In school, he used to sneak in and out of off-limits rooms without anyone knowing. He's the kind of guy who 'the guard locks in the museum because he thinks everyone has left.' He’s wanted on all seven continents, but so far nobody has been able to identify him. 'Hardley Worthit' is a play on 'hardly worth it.' Hardley Worthit was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Hugh Stink — Nobody knows when Hugh Stink took his first bath, but it must have been a bad experience, because he hasn't taken one since. His smell can have advantageous, even police dogs won’t go near him. 'Hugh Stink' is a play on 'you stink.' Hugh Stink was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Jess U. Wait — Slow and steady is too fast for Jess U. Wait. She is always the last villain to be packed up for international stealing sprees and sometimes even misses her get-away car. Carmen Sandiego recruited her because she is a master at out-waiting the authorities. 'Jess U. Wait' is a play on 'just you wait.' Jess U. Wait was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Manny Mistakes — Manny Mistakes stops at green lights and crosses the street when the lights turn red, puts salt in his coffee and sugar on his French fries. Nobody can confuse ACME pursuers like the unpredictable Manny. 'Manny Mistakes' is a play on 'many mistakes.' Manny Mistakes was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Stu Pidname — There's no end to Stu Pidname’s energy, he’ll do anything to keep from getting bored. 'Stu Pidname' is a play on 'stupid name.' It isn't clear how the name relates to the character. Stu Pidname was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Telly Phone — Telly Phone has never been spotted without a dialing device at hand. Telly Phone can break into the private calls of just about anybody Carmen Sandiego needs or wants to hear. 'Telly Phone' is a play on 'telephone'. Telly Phone was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
- Count Hypno — Count Hypno is 'a master of hypnotic rhythms and mind-bending fashion apparel.' ACME Agents are advised not to look him in the eye. Count Hypno was featured in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge as one of Carmen's six Master Thieves.
- Dr. Depth — Dr. Depth is an egomaniacal master of the underworld whose plans for world domination are about as fuzzy as his eyesight. Dr. Depth was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective as a miner and in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge as one of Carmen's six Master Thieves.
Chase Devineaux
- Doug Grave — Doug Grave is a vampiric gravedigger. His hideout is his creepy graveyard in Hungary. His appearance is very similar to that of Count Dracula and he is even seen transforming into a bat at one point. His name is a play on 'dug grave'. Doug Grave was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Esther Odious — Esther Odious is a very large, rich woman and is never seen without her little white dog Fluffy. Her hideout is her massive estate in Monaco. Esther Odious was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- I.I. Captain — I.I. Captain is a very clumsy, peg-legged pirate. His hideout is his pirate ship located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. His name is a play on the saying 'Aye, aye, Captain!'. I.I. Captain was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Ill Will — Ill Will is a playwright and an actor. Apparently, he has memorized every one of Shakespeare's plays. His hideout is his playhouse theatre in London. Ill Will was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Mel Ancholy — Mel Ancholy is a composer. His hideout is his music hall located in Vienna, Austria. His name is a play on 'melancholy'. Mel Ancholy was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Nick Furtive — Nick Furtive is a private detective. He constantly has a frown plastered on his face. His hideout is his office in Chicago, Illinois. He was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Otto Readmore/Gnash — Otto Readmore is 'the bruiser with a bookworm soul.' He has a terrible fear of the dentist. He once won first prize in a pie-eating contest. His hideout is a library located in New York City. 'Otto Readmore' is a play on 'Ought to read more.' In Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge, he is known as Gnash. Otto Readmore was featured in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, and Gnash was featured in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge as one of Carmen's six Master Thieves.
- Queen Notalotenkammen — Notalotenkammen is an Egyptian queen who resides in a treasure filled crypt in Cairo. Notalotenkammen is a play on 'not a lot in common'. Notalotenkammen was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective.
- Snarla Swing — Snarla Swing is a tomb-raider and technology hater who has a penchant for ss...nakess.... Step on her and you will ss...uffer the conss...equencess.... Her hideout is a massive treehouse located in Tanzania, although in ThinkQuick Challenge she is shown to live in an Egyptian-style tomb. Snarla Swing was featured in Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective, and in Carmen Sandiego's Think Quick Challenge, where she is one of Carmen's six Master Thieves.
Control: | Game is controlled by the same keys that are used to playing under MS DOS. For fullscreen press 'Right Alt' + 'Enter'. |
Help: | This game is emulated by javascript emulator em-dosbox. If you prefer to use a java applet emulator, follow this link. |
Other platforms: | This game can be played also in a versions for SMS, Genesis and SNES. |
Game info: |
box cover | Game title: | Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? | Platform: | MS-DOS | Author (released): | Brøderbund Software (1988) | Genre: | Others | Mode: | Single-player | Design: | Glenn Axworthy, Dane Bigham, Gene Portwood, ... | Music: | Tom Rettig | Game manual: | not available | Download: | wiwics_VGA.zip | Game size: | 391 kB | Recommended emulator: | DOSBox | From Mobygames: | The game is an updated version of the original Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, featuring enhanced graphics, sound effects, and additional control schemes, such as joystick support for computer platforms. You start out as a rookie detective whose job is to track down a crop of thieves stealing the world's most precious treasures. After each assignment briefing, you'll be given a deadline to capture the thief that stole the artifact using clues dealing with your knowledge of geography. More details about this game can be found on MobyGames.com. | For fans and collectors: | Find this game on video server YouTube.com or Vimeo.com. | Buy original version of this game on Amazon.com or eBay.com. | Find digital download of this game on GOGorSteam. | Platform: | This version of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? was designed for personal computers with operating system MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), which was operating system developed by Microsoft in 1981. It was the most widely-used operating system in the first half of the 1990s. MS-DOS was supplied with most of the IBM computers that purchased a license from Microsoft. After 1995, it was pushed out by a graphically more advanced system - Windows and its development was ceased in 2000. At the time of its greatest fame, several thousand games designed specifically for computers with this system were created. Today, its development is no longer continue and for emulation the free DOSBox emulator is most often used. More information about MS-DOS operating system can be found here. | Available online emulators: | 5 different online emulators are available for Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? are summarized in the following table:
| Emulator | Technology | Multiplayer | Fullscreen | Touchscreen | Speed | Archive.org | JavaScript | YES | NO | NO | fast | js-dos | JavaScript | YES | YES | NO | fast | js-dos 6.22 | JavaScript | YES | YES | NO | fast | jsDosBox | JavaScript | YES | NO | NO | slow | jDosBox | Java applet | YES | YES | NO | fast |
Similar games: |
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