Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads

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Classic Traveller Rules System. About Classic Traveller: Originally released by Game Designers' Workshop in 1977, the award-winning Traveller science-fiction roleplaying game. These classic rule books, supplements and adventures are once again available through official reprints as well as all new material from QLI! If so, 'Classic Traveller: The Books' is a golden opportunity to see the RPG industry at its very beginning. If only WOTC and Chaosium could do the same. My overall ratings reflect Traveller's essential playability. There's plenty of meat here. More than enough in fact. Personally, I played Traveller non-stop from 1982 to 1990. Traveller Star Map is an application to display star charts from the original classic traveller RPG. It's features include, Mouse pan in any direction, Mouse wheel zoom in and out, Click on a.

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  2. Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads Pc
  3. Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads

Classic Traveller Pdf

  • Roleplay
    • Traveller

Software for the use with the Roleplaying Game Traveller or its background for Unix. Sometimes ported by me. See also Issues on Porting,and probably the BRP software sectionfor more generic programs

Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads


Software for developing characters and NPCsNPC Megatraveller random NPC stats generator. C-source
MTCG Megatraveller Character Generator. Linux/glibc 2.1 binaries. By Gregory Svenson, ported to Unix by Peter Keel.


Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads Pc

Software for describing and generating worldsAccrete Star system generator. C-source
SysGen 4 A collection of programs to generate subsectors and maps. C-source
1 Million Stars A collection of programs to generate subsectors and maps. C-source
Traveller System Generator 1.0 Nice solar system generator. C-source
Fractal World Generator 2.1 Generates .gif maps of Worlds. C-source
Fractal World Generator Generates ASCII maps of Worlds. C-source
GenSec Generates Subsectors. C-source
Genesis Generates life-profiles of worlds. C-source
StarForm Generates star systems. C-source
Stars Generates whole lots of stars. C-source
Gliese3 Stardata generator. C-source
Hard Times Calculates Virus effect on star systems. C-source
Planets Planetary systems generator. C-source


Software for generating and displaying mapsDoMap AWK-script to generate subsector-maps
Hex Generates subsector maps, uses pic/troff. C-source.
HexMap Generates subsector maps, uses pic/troff. C-source.
MapMaker Generates subsector maps. C-source.
Worldmap Generates world-maps. Postscript
Text Fract Generates ASCII world-maps. C-source
Xssv Sub Sector Viewer. C-source


Software for generating words and namesAslan Names An aslan namegenerator. C-source
Vargr Words Generates vargr words. C-source
Zhodani Words Generates zhodani words. C-source
XWordGen Table-based word generator with tables for all major languages


Classic Traveller Rpg Downloads

Ship Design

Software for designing shipsGawk-Design A series of gawk-scripts
Ship Assembly Line Java-Application. No source
Megatraveller ship generator A tablerunner with extensive tables. C-source
Cosmos Ship design program. C-source

Maneuvers and Navigation

Software to help with maneuvering and navigation while playingTravel Time Calculates travel-times. C-source
Fuse Calculates fuel usage. C-source
Starship Operations Simulator from David Burden. Javascript


Misc. Full UPP decodes Universal Planet Profile. C-source
Guns determining availability of weapons. C-source
Armor calculates price of armor. C-source
Culture Generates cultures. C-source
Hazard Generates hazards. C-source
Religion Generates religions. C-source
Society Generates societies. C-source
Psyche Generates psychological profiles of Societies. C-source

Weather Generators, Dices and other Generic Software

Please see corresponding BRP section

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