We’ve known how to make Clone Trooper helmet candy pops, now let’s check how to make a life-size Star Wars Clone Trooper helmet.
Similar with the Fallout styled helmet, this is also a papercraft that is shaped as an iconic Star Wars Clone Trooper helmet. And the maker Namotasa, a paper craft designer from Thailand, applied some unique elements to the famous helmet, so you can get three helmets with different textures. Each one measures 224 x 199 x 174 mm. If you want to make your own Star Wars Clone Trooper helmet, jump to Namotasa’s blog for the template of the paper crafts.
Design Your Own Clone Trooper Armor Game
Design Your Own Clone Trooper Helmet. Saved by Shawnda Hix. Clone Trooper Helmet Bodhi Rook Wolf Design Helmet Design Black Dragon Clone Wars Lego Star Wars. The Acid Troopers are a division of storm troopers that specialize in chemical warfare, using one of the worst tactics of war against their foes. Their mask is a combination of a regular storm trooper helmet and a plague doctor's mask, which contains air filtration systems for themselves.
Additionally, if you prefer Stormtrooper, you also can make your own Stormtrooper helmet using milk jugs or a trashcan
Design Your Own Clone Trooper Helmet Instructions
START CREATINGThe first two days of each month is the best time to send in your decal designs. When you send in your decal designs or your decals make sure you give us the title of the decal and who it's made by so the decal will come up when people search for it.If you would like people to know the title of the decal and who it's made by you have to put that information on the image of the decal your self. It will take one month for your decals to be displayed on Minifig Decals For You. For more information please read the following text below or watch the video on our home page. Create Your Own Lego Custom Clone made by Starkillerrock which is an awesome way to make design and share your own custom decals for your Lego figures. You can make a Clone Trooper / ARF Trooper / Snow Trooper. Here’s how you do it. First you click on what you would like to make then save the picture of the clone templateto your computer, you then have fun designing your clone however you like. You can print the picture out and then colour it in and design it. You can then take a photo of your design to upload, scan the design into your computer or do your design on the computer. Once you have finished your design send it to this email address. CreateYourOwnLegoCustomClonnee@gmail.com Your decals will be displayed on another Website called Minifig Decals For You the reason why we do this is so the Website does not run out of memory space You can go to Minifig Decals For Youby clicking on this link. You and others will be able to get your decals there to send in your decal designs or your decals or to suggest decals to be made you don't have to be a Member but to send in Pictures and have your Videos on our YouTube Channel you do have to be a Member. If you become a Member you can send in your Pictures to be displayed on our Facebook and Flickr also share your videos on our YouTube Channel and your Username we'll be on our Members Page. Subpages (3):ARF Trooper TemplateClone Trooper TemplateSnow Trooper Template |