Flat Package Editor Dmg

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  1. Flat Package Editor Dmg Download
  2. Flat Package Editor Dmg Download

Download the Flat Package Editor (FPE) from Apple: Login and search for 'Auxiliary Tools' Download the 'Late July 2012' dmg; Mount the dmg and right click Package Maker to show the package contents; Browse to /Contents/Resources and copy the FPE to your Applications or Utilities folder; Open the NVIDIA Web Driver package using the Flat Package Editor. Right click and open it with 'Flat Package Editor.app' (in Leopard) Drag the 'Distribution' component out to your desktop; Edit and save it with a standard text editor (I used BBEdit) Drag it back in to the mpkg; Delete the old version from the mpkg; And save! Aug 19, 2013 In Flat Package Editor, you should be able to see some internal folders and packages, along with the Distribution.dist file (this is what we want to edit). Drag the Distribution file out of the package to copy it into the folder with your driver, and then delete the Distribution file from inside of the package. Flat Package Editor Mac Brackets is a free text editor that's primarily meant for web designers, but can of course be used by anyone to view or edit a text document.

By: Ron Kirchgessner | Updated: 2014-08-29 | Comments (8) | Related: More >Integration Services Data Flow Transformations


SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) can import data from a fixed widthflat text file (i.e. no field delimiters), using the Flat File Source component.When importing this type of file, you must set the field names, field widths,and starting positions ahead of time. Typing in this information when there areonly a handful of fields is not too burdensome, but when there are hundreds offields, manually configuring and validating each field can take a long time.Here is a workaround using an existing import table with table columns alreadydefined. Thank Tim Katheeder for coming up with this workaround.

NOTE: I use the term 'field' when referring to positional data in the flattext file (e.g. field Name consist of character positions 1 to 10). The term 'column' is used when referencing columnar data in a SQLServer table (e.g. column Nameis varchar (10)).



For one project I worked on, the data came from an old COBOL system. Each rowof data had 3,500 characters organized into 530 fields. The text file was 100MB. So yes, we are talking about a substantial amount of typing to specify thefields to import and defining the table columns where the data will reside.

My preparation consisted of two activities:

a) copying the first few rows ofthe 100 MB data file into a test file for import development, and

b) using Excelto convert the flat file design specifications into a SQL statement creating animport destination table.

In the example presented here, I created a test filehaving 3 rows of data with 35 characters representing 5 fields, the designspecifications for the test file, and a create table statement based on the testfile design specifications.

Example: Test text file

Example: Test file design specifications

Example: Import destination table structure

About the Import Destination Table

This tip does not cover how to translate the fixed width flat text filedesign specifications into a SQL create table query as there are a variety ofapproaches depending on your particular situation. However, there is one detailthat merits special attention. For this fixed width flatfile import process to work, the import destination table columns areall defined as text (e.g. VARCHAR). Keeping in mind the source system,COBOL may export a numeric field defined as 's9(6)v99' that is represented by an 8character field. The 'v' in the format is referred to as an implied decimal.This means a flat file field value of '12345678' (8 characters) translates to atable column value of '123456.78' (9 characters). When importing a fixed widthflat text file, the field widths must be exact or subsequent fields may receivean incorrect value. By loading all fields as text the individualpeculiarities can be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Transforming data fromthe Import destination table structure to the final table structure is astandard SSIS data transformation.

Example: Import destination table with raw data (ImportText)

Example: Final table structure

Example: Final table with formatted data (ImportFinal)

We've described the data we are starting with and how we want the datarepresented when finished. Here are the steps to make it happen.

Step 1: Create a Data Flow Task

Create a Data Flow task in SSIS to house the workaround.

Step 2: Create and configure an OLE DB Source

a) Double click the Data Flow Task to build the Data Flow.

b) Create an OLEDB Source component.

c) Double click the component to open the OLE DB SourceEditor and configure the Connection Manager to point to the import destinationtable (ImportText).

When an OLE DB Source component is configured, SSIS stores the table'sinformation in the component for reference. Now the import destination tablecolumns (ImportText) are available for reference.

Step 3: Create a Flat File Destination

a) Create a Flat File Destination component.

b) Draw a Data Flow Path betweenthe OLE DB Source component and the Flat File Destination component. Do not openthe Flat File Destination component until after the Data FlowPath is established.


After the Flat File Destination component is connected to the OLE DB Source,SSIS automatically copies the column information from the OLE DB Sourcecomponent (ImportText) to the Flat File Destination component. In other words,the Flat File Destination component now has ImportText table specifications.

Note: The red circle X in the Flat File Destination component indicates thecomponent configuration is incomplete and will be addressed in the next step.

Step 4: Configure the Flat File Destination

a) Double click the Flat File Destination component to open the Flat FileDestination Editor.

b) Click on the New… button and the Flat File Format dialogwill open.

c) Select the Ragged Right option and click OK.

d) Back in the FlatFile Connection Manager Editor, type in 'f' as File name, and then close theeditor.

e) In the Flat File Destination Editor click on Mappings and you willsee the Flat File Destination component configured with the import tablespecifications. Click OK.

The Ragged Right option is used in step 4c because it is not unusual for datafiles with large record structures to have varying record lengths. Step 4D is alittle misleading as we needed to complete the Flat File Destination componentconfiguration. Once the configuration is done, the OLE DB Source importdestination table columns (ImportText) are loaded into the Flat File Destinationcomponent. The 'f' is not an actual file and was used for configuration purposesonly.

Step 5: Create the Flat File Source

a) Create a Flat File Source component.

b) Delete the Data Flow Path betweenthe OLE DB Source component and the Flat File Destination component.

c) Draw aData Flow Path between the Flat File Source component and the Flat FileDestination component. Do not open the Flat File Source component until afterthe Data Flow Path is established.

d) Open the Flat File Source Editor componentto confirm the columns are populated.

Completing step 5d means the Flat File Source component now has the fielddefinitions from the Flat File Destination component courtesy of SSIS automaticimport. In other words, the ImportText table column definitions are now the Flat File Source component field definitions.

Note: The red circle X in the Flat File Destination component indicates thecomponent configuration is incomplete due to changing the data source from theOLE DB Source to Flat File Source component.

Step 6: Create and configure the OLE DB Destination

a) Create an OLE DB Destination component.

b) Delete the Data Flow Pathbetween the Flat File Source component and the Flat File Destination component.


c) Draw a Data Flow Path between the Flat File Source component and the OLE DBDestination component.

d) Double click the component to open the OLE DBDestination Editor.

Flat Package Editor Dmg Download

e) Configure the OLE DB Destination component ConnectionManager to point to the import destination table (ImportText). Select Mappingsto confirm the input and destination columns are mapped correctly.

f) Click OKto save the configuration changes.

With the completion of step 6f, the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destinationcomponents are compatible and ready for use. Both components are using the testfile design specifications.

NOTE: If you get this warning, you will need to start over as these stepsneed to be completed in one session.

Step 7: Cleanup

The OLE DB Source and Flat File Destination components are no longer neededand can be deleted. The Data Flow Task is ready to import data from a flat fileto the defined table.

Flat Package Editor Dmg Download

The imported data is in a text format in the import destination table(ImportText). Transferring the data to the final table structure (ImportFinal)is a typical SSIS transformation activity and not covered here.

Next Steps

Now that you have easy access to the data, the next step is cleaning andtransforming the raw text data. Here are some helpful tips on making thathappen.

Last Updated: 2014-08-29

About the author
Ron Kirchgessner is a developer with 30 years experience developing marketing and data management software.
View all my tips
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