Kantha Sasti Kavasam Lyrics In Tamil

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கந்தசஷ்டி கவசம்-Kanda sasti kavasam with Tamil Lyrics - Sulamangalam sisters. Om karthigeya om malaiguru om kantha. Kantha Sasti Kavasam or Skanda Sasti Kavacham (Tamil: கந்த சஷ்டி கவசம்) is a Hindu devotional song composed in Tamil by Bala Devaraya. This app contains Kantha Sasti Kavasam audio Song and Lyrics of Kanda sashti kavasam. Everyone can sing the Kantha Shasti Kavasam along with the Music.

Kantha Sasti Kavasam or Skanda Sasti Kavacham (Tamil: கந்த சஷ்டி கவசம்) is a Hindu devotional song composed in Tamil by Bala Devaraya. This app contains Kantha Sasti Kavasam audio Song and Lyrics of Kanda sashti kavasam. Everyone can sing the Kantha Shasti Kavasam along with the Music.

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People without children will enjoy fertility. The Navagrahangal astrological planets will be pleased and confer blessings. The devotee will enjoy every good fortune under the sun. Your silken sash and girdle encircle your full waist, with a ij diadem adorning your silken robes.

It is certain that by regular chanting of this kavacam all the predicaments of life are resolved. Your beautiful legs and ankletted feet produce a harmonious blend of melodious notes most pleasing to the ear. Clothey Kamil Zvelebil on Murugan Skanda: He will be blessed with the ‘sixteen wealths’ at all times. O Lord of Thiruvavinangkudi, dweller of the lovely Vel!

He whose form is strong and dazzling, praise be to Thee! Skanda Cult in India: O Lord of Thiruchendur, who is adored as Sengalvaraya!

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Lord Muruga embodies the form of these six letters. May they shiver in fear, roll in agony, scream in terror, tsmil flee in utter fear of me! Protect the sixteen rib bones – O youthful Vel! Protect the shoulders – O sharp Vel! Devils would not dare approach these devotees of the Lord.


Bless me, O Lord Velayuthan, with love, that I might be showered with plenty and live graciously! Dedication to Lord Kumaran, who ended the woes of the Devas, On his lovely feet shall we meditate Reference is made to the different kinds of devils and spirits sqsti as spirits that swallow infants, spirits and devils that follow maidens, the guardians of cemeteries saxti spirits of the forests.

Throw your merciful glance towards me and may your look destroy all my sins!

O Lord of Thiruthani, Son of Siva! Protect the stomach – O ever victorious Vel! The evil will meet their end, while in the good, the feet of Murugan shall ever dance. O Lord who captivated Valli, praise be to Thee! O Sastii of the Devas, praise be to Thee!

Kanda Sasti Kavacam in Tamil and English

Grant that Lakshmi resides in my arms! O Lord of Kathirgamam, weilder of the brilliant Vel! He who conquered Idumba and Kadamba, praise be to Thee! Hallowed be He who dwells in hilly abodes! Protect the knees and calves – O bright Vel! You Lord, have the ability to grant moksha liberation from rebirth and who as Guru Paran gave upadesha to Lord Swami Himself.

Muruha, you sever the cords of Samsaric birth! That I might, with your grace, break off from the bonds of Maya and attachment and attain bliss at thy lotus feet. The Devas of all eight directions will bless him. May these flee in fear on sight of me! Salutations are offered to the brave War Lord of the Devas in their battle against the Asuras. Lord Skanda, who wears the garland of Kadamba flowers!

Protect the neck – O sweet Vel! With the hands that killed Soorapathman, you have graced the twenty-seven Devas by granting them the gift of Divine Honey.

May both men and women be pleased with me! Protect the two nostrils – O good Vel!

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